My first episode is seven minutes long, and was created using Audacity, with sampled music from White Animal Sound (downloaded from SoundCloud at this link):
The podcast can be heard at the following links:
This "pilot" episode presents the following resources:
To create this podcast, I wrote a script, recorded it, sampled music, and edited each track so that it would flow together with the next segment. In this way, I demonstrated the AECT Standard 2.4, "Integrated Technologies", which are "ways to produce and deliver materials which encompass several forms of media under the control of a computer".
Throughout the production of this podcast, I also kept in mind the multimedia principles of "modality" and "redundancy". Clark and Mayer (2008) recommend that we present words as speech rather than on-screen text. In my podcast, I tried to summarize each resource that I presented in a way that was faster and more comprehensible than if the listener had simply stumbled across the same resource. I also introduce the podcast by referring listeners to the "website" where I would have the featured resources linked. This way they are free to simply listen and take in the information, with no cognitive interference.
Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
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