Sunday, July 27, 2014

Digital Story: las estaciones y el tiempo

This week, we learned about digital stories. Then, we were challenged to create our own. I wanted to make something I could use with my students, so I didn't want to do anything too personal, and it needed to address my course objectives. Then I came up with the idea of telling the story of our weather here in Idaho, which is in the Spanish I curriculum that I teach. It's something that can easily be represented with pictures and narration, and that's usually how I teach it. (I just have to perform live several times a day, so having a video to show might be nice.) Even though my final product isn't necessarily a "traditional" digital story, I think I was able to use the key elements to create something I would actually use with beginning Spanish students.

In this video, I describe the weather in each season, along with an activity I like to do in each one, and then I explain the (opposite) seasons of the southern hemisphere. At the end of the video, I share my favorite season and ask students to do the same. Then, to close the video, I go over the essential weather vocabulary and ask students to describe their favorite season. There are instructions to pause the video so that students can share their answers.

I used the personalization principle in the following ways:

  • I had a conversational and polite tone of voice.
  • I talked directly to students, using second person.
  • I talk about myself, using first person (as a "visible author").

I learned a lot from creating this video, and pulling it all together was pretty interesting. I created the slides in Google, then presented the slideshow while recording it (and my narration) using Camtasia. Then, in Camtasia, I added all the annotations to focus the viewers on what I am talking about. (I usually do this by gesturing and pointing all day in my classroom!) I was actually surprised by how easy it is to do this sort of thing with Camtasia. Adding the Vivaldi music was a no-brainer, and I was sure to mute it while talking because I think that music and narration (in a new language) would be too much for students to take in at once.

Here is the embedded video:

And here is a direct link to the video on YouTube: 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Coherence Analysis

Week 6 Coherence Analysis
Jenny Incelli
EDTECH 513: Multimedia
Diane Hall
July 19, 2014

A Brief Analysis of the Coherence Principle

In short, the Coherence Principle tells us that we learn best from multimedia when extraneous material is removed. In other words, “avoid adding any material that does not support the instructional goal” (Clark & Mayer, 2008, p. 151). Designers of multimedia are therefore cautioned against adding content solely for interest or depth. All audio, graphics, and words should be chosen carefully and included only when they meet stringent criteria for coherence.
The Coherence Principle, like other Multimedia Learning Principles, is derived from our understanding of cognitive learning processes. Given that we have only two channels for taking in information, with limited processing power in each, learners will be most successful when these channels are optimally loaded. “The coherence principle is also based on the idea that learners are more likely to make appropriate connections between animations and narrations when they can hold corresponding visual and verbal representations in working memory at the same time” (Mayer, 1999, p. 620). In this way, concise, deliberate, and simple presentation of material allows for active learning and increased transfer of skills. Extraneous audio, graphics, and words do not promote active learning, as they may overload, distract, disrupt, and seduce learners away from the instructional goal (Clark & Mayer, 2008).
Anyone who has had a job in the last couple decades can probably remember some unsuccessful presentations. Learners may not be able to explain why a training was a failure, or boring, or confusing… but we all know it when we see it. And we’ve all been forced to sit through PowerPoint meetings that seemed to sloooooowwww theeeee paaaaaaace of tiiiiiiiime.
Because this paper will be posted online, I hesitate to provide too many details, but I can definitely say that I’ve seen an incoherent slide presentation or two. Generally, there are just too many details. This is a failure to apply the Coherence Principle. Presentations with endless data sets and bullet points tend to influence audience in one of two ways: they may become disengaged and unfocused, or completely overwhelmed and frustrated. To avoid this, designers and facilitators of multimedia should directly tell the audience what they should know or be able to do as a result of the presentation, and they should stick to only that content. Elaboration and overly-technical depth do not belong in PowerPoint presentations. Nor should a designer feel the need to “jazz up” a PowerPoint by using every available animation and transition effect!
For an example of a presentation that successfully applied the Coherence Principle, I immediately thought of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. I saw this presentation in Boise, Idaho, in 2007, and I was blown away by how a slideshow with narration could be so informative and engaging. In addition to being a fine example of other Multimedia Principles (including Contiguity, Modality, and Redundancy), “An Inconvenient Truth” was extremely efficient in its use of time, and very focused on the content that would support the instructional goals. I cannot recall any extraneous words, images, or audio. As a result, it was very easy for me to follow the presentation, and the main points have stayed in my long-term memory.
In examining successful and unsuccessful examples of multimedia, it is useful to see how this fits in with fundamental theories of psychology. Clark and Mayer state that the cognitive theory of multimedia learning predicts the Coherence Principle (2008, p. 157). They also go on to explain and dismiss the arousal theory, which is “the idea that students learn better when they are emotionally aroused” (2008, p. 160). Clark and Mayer cannot find any evidence that the arousal theory is true or that it applies to multimedia learning, and recommend instead that we simply focus on ensuring that the learner gets satisfaction from making sense of the presented material. “Interest cannot be added to an otherwise boring lesson like some kind of seasoning” (Clark & Mayer, 2008, p. 161).
The Coherence Principle shares several traits with other Multimedia Learning Principles. They all have consistent scientific evidence to support their hypotheses (Clark & Mayer, 2008; Mayer, 1999; Moreno & Mayer, 2000). They all stem from the concept that a learner has limited cognitive processing (in the dual channels of “images” and “sounds”). The Multimedia Principles acknowledge cognitive limitations while highlighting ways to take advantage of actual processing. In the end, most Multimedia Principles can be summed up with the “less is more” adage. We are repeatedly cautioned to design multimedia materials that are focused, simple, and in line with how we are proven to learn.
To me, the Coherence Principle makes a lot of sense. I think that experts, when designing instruction or multimedia materials, tend to include a lot of extras. As a teacher, I can understand how easy it is to want to pack in more content, or to make the content seem more appealing with extraneous details. But as a student, I can see that these extras simply detract from the learning purpose.
I was disappointed to read the evidence against listening to music while learning or studying, because I have often done this to “stay focused”. But through my disappointment, I also wasn’t surprised; I don’t have any personal evidence that music helps me be any more efficient or attentive when studying. I just do it because I like it. I may reconsider in the future, given that music is shown to distract and overload the cognitive process.
My only lingering concern about the Coherence Principle (and other principles that we have studied) is that the scientific evidence presented as support often comes from shortened learning experiences, delivered in a laboratory setting. I would be interested to see similar studies carried out, but over a longer timespan, and in a variety of face-to-face, online, and blended classrooms. I would also like to see more research or consideration of how these multimedia principles apply in face-to-face lessons. When teachers use multimedia in their instruction but also play a large role in the delivery, how do these principles hold up? I suspect that the transfer is fairly consistent, but I have noticed that Clark and Mayer usually refer to “e-lessons” rather than, simply, “lessons”.
In conclusion, the Coherence Principle is yet another sound piece of advice from Clark and Mayer. I am certain that designers and consumers of multimedia instruction would be well-served to follow this principle. It seems obvious to me now that when extraneous audio, graphics, and words are removed, the instructional goal can more easily be achieved.

Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Mayer, R. E. (1999). Multimedia aids to problem-solving transfer. International Journal of Educational Research, 31(7), 611-623.
Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2000). A learner-centered approach to multimedia explanations: Deriving instructional design principles from cognitive theory. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 2(2), 2004-07. Retrieved July 14, 2014 from

Monday, July 14, 2014

Spanish 2.0 Podcast

My podcast series provides Spanish teachers with authentic and current activities, highlighting some of the best (free) technology tools available. In a quick format, I share ideas that come from my own classroom, other Spanish teachers, bloggers, Edutopia, education news, and my EDTECH classes. In the final portion of each podcast, I will ask listeners to share their thoughts on a topic of interest. With constantly-evolving options, this podcast could be produced monthly and never run out of ideas!

My first episode is seven minutes long, and was created using Audacity, with sampled music from White Animal Sound (downloaded from SoundCloud at this link):

The podcast can be heard at the following links:

This "pilot" episode presents the following resources:

To create this podcast, I wrote a script, recorded it, sampled music, and edited each track so that it would flow together with the next segment. In this way, I demonstrated the AECT Standard 2.4, "Integrated Technologies", which are "ways to produce and deliver materials which encompass several forms of media under the control of a computer".

Throughout the production of this podcast, I also kept in mind the multimedia principles of "modality" and "redundancy". Clark and Mayer (2008) recommend that we present words as speech rather than on-screen text. In my podcast, I tried to summarize each resource that I presented in a way that was faster and more comprehensible than if the listener had simply stumbled across the same resource. I also introduce the podcast by referring listeners to the "website" where I would have the featured resources linked. This way they are free to simply listen and take in the information, with no cognitive interference.


Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.