Monday, June 17, 2013

Elements of Educational Technology

“Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.”

I appreciated reading a thorough explanation of educational technology, as I would have been hard-pressed to explain my new master’s program before I read this article.  I can see now how the many interconnected components that make up this field of practice will guide me throughout the MET program and in my career as an educator.  As a reflective practitioner, I have been aware for some time that too many of my students are disengaged, fail to master the learning objectives, and/or struggle to transfer their skills to real situations.  These frustrating realities were addressed in the article, and I am beginning to feel hopeful that solutions are within my reach.  Through the design and integration of environments which facilitate learning, I hope to experience greater success as a teacher.  This is to say, I wish to see increased engagement among my students, and deeper, more productive learning as a result.  Students of Spanish should develop and improve Spanish language skills that can be applied in any situation.  For this reason, I chose to focus my response and reflection on the aspect of learning. 

To read my full thoughts, please click on one of the following links.  [I am including several ways to get to my writing as a way of testing this process, so thanks for your understanding!] 

1. The "full" link to my Google Doc:
3. A shortened link:

Please let me know if any of the above do not work, and I welcome your feedback in general!

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