I introduce the concept of stem-changing verbs at the beginning, providing examples that should lead viewers to their own "definitions". Discovery of patterns is important for language-learning, so that's what I'm trying to provide for viewers, in a scaffolded way.
I then provide a couple of worked examples, conjugating verbs with clear explanations of all the steps along the way. It was helpful to have the capabilities of Google Slides and Camtasia because I was able to create clear visuals, narrate them with audio, and then annotate the video to integrate and emphasize certain visuals while I talked about them. (It would be difficult to do all of these things "live" for students, although I have tried... and it's generally pretty exhausting and less thorough!)
At the end of the worked examples I provided a simple list of the steps we had been performing. Then I left the steps up while the students are prompted to pause the video and do their own verb conjugation. Supposedly, the viewer would pause and work through the problem (with the steps still available on the screen), and could then check the results by starting the video again.
In this way, I hope that students who use this video will benefit from the segmenting of examples, learner control of the video pacing, and application of multimedia design principles.